Hotel & Accomadation Information

Hotel Information

TLS has reserved a block of 24 rooms at the Drury INN (Highland Mall) for the conference. There are a number of other hotels in the UT area but their rates may be higher than the Drury due to the State Girls Basketball Tournement which is also going on the weekend of the conference.

Hotel Rates Transportation to/from UT campus
919 E. Koenig LN
Austin TX 78751
Single Room: $82.99/night
Double Room: $76.99/night (add $10 for second person)
UT students will provide shuttle service from hotel to campus each morning and from campus to hotel each evening (approx. 15-20 minute drive)
Other Hotels in the area:
La Quinta Inn: Capitol
300 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 476-1166
Free 'Dillo city bus (approx. 10 minutes)
Days Inn (University
3105 N. IH 35 at 32nd
Austin, TX
(512) 478-1631
Walking distance to UT (about 10 blocks from Linguistics Dept.)

Student Accomodations

TLS will attempt to provide free housing for student registrants who wish it. If you are a student and are interested in staying with a University of Texas graduate student, please contact the organizers directly at:

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