2002 Texas Linguistics Society Conference


South West Optimality Theory (SWOT)

and a parasession on

Stress in Optimality Theory



March 1-3, 2002

The University of Texas at Austin




The Texas Linguistics Society presents South West Optimality Theory (SWOT), a workshop in which scholars from 7 universities in the Southwest Area present their current research. In addition, TLS will host an open session titled "Stress in Optimality Theory." The aim of the session is to present a forum for OT analyses of stress in natural languages. All presenters in the parasession are welcome to attend SWOT.


We invite abstracts on original, unpublished work on stress in Optimality Theory.


Invited Speakers

Bruce Hayes  (UCLA)

Megan Crowhurst (UT Austin)



We invite anonymous abstracts for twenty-minute talks followed by 10 minute discussion. Abstracts should be related to stress within the framework of Optimality Theory. Abstracts must not exceed one page in length (11 point font, 1 inch margins in all directions). A second page is allowed for data and references. Authors may submit at most one individual and one joint abstract. Joint abstracts should designate one address for communication with TLS.

Abstract Submissions

Only E-mail submission of abstracts will be accepted. They must be submitted as attachments to an e-mail message. They may not be contained with the body of a message. The body of the message should include all information listed in 1-5 below.


Author Information
1. Name(s) of author(s)
2. Title of paper
3. Affiliation(s)
4. E-mail address(es)
5. Postal address(es)

Please use 'Abstract' as the Subject header.
Abstracts must be submitted in one of the following formats:

Word attachment
pdf attachment
No other formats will be accepted.

Electronic submissions should be sent to the TLS 2002 e-mail address:



Important Dates

Deadline for submission of abstracts: December 1, 2001

Notifications of acceptance: January 20, 2002


Further Information

Visit our web site for more information:



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