TLS 8 Program

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Friday, March 5 (UTC 4.124)

8.00-8.45 a.m.  Registration/Coffee and Refreshments
8.45-9.00 a.m.  Opening Remarks


First Invited Talk

9.00-10.15 a.m.  Nicholas Asher  (UT Austin); Might, were, would and must and a compositional account of counterfactuals
10.15-10.30 a.m.  Break 


Session I

10.30-11.00 a.m.  1. Subjunctive relative clauses -Francesca Panzeri (Milan-Bicocca)
11.00-11.30 a.m.  2. Epistemic would, clefts, and functional compositionality-Betty J. Birner, Jeffrey P. Kaplan, Gregory Ward (Northern Illinois U, San Diego State U, Northwestern)
11.30 a.m.-12.00 p.m.  3.Complex wh-FCIs are semantically different from any-FCIs: evidence from English, Greek, French -Evangelina Vlachou (Utrecht)
12.00-1.30 p.m.  Lunch


Session II

1.30-2.00 p.m.  1.Quality and Questions -Christine Gunlogson (Rochester)
2.00-2.30 p.m.  2.Japanese Contrastive wa: Implicature Unsuspendable -Yurie Hara (Delaware)
2.30-3.00 p.m.  3. Inference in focus: the wider implications of pragmatic theory -Daniel Wedgwood (Edinburgh)
3.00-3.15 p.m.  Break


Second Invited Talk

3.15-4.30 p.m.  Carlota Smith  (UT Austin); Time with and without tense
4.30-4.45 p.m.  Break 


Session III

4.45-5.15 p.m.  1.Toward a uniform analysis of short answers and gapping -Ingo Reich (Tuebingen)
5.15-5.45 p.m.  2. The definiteness effect in English HAVE sentences-Shiao Wei Tham (Stanford)
5.45-6.15 p.m.  3.Ways of not being there -Lucia M. Tovena (Lille 3)


Saturday, March 6 (UTC 1.144)


Third Invited Talk

9.00-10.15 a.m.  David Beaver  (Stanford); Sense and sensitivity: How focus affects meaning?
10.15-10.30 a.m.  Break 


Session IV

10.30-11.00 a.m.  1. Distributivity and interpretation: in support of a modal treatment of the progressive-Susie Jones (U British Columbia)
11.00-11.30 a.m.  2. An Aspectual Analysis of Mandarin Verbal -le and Sentential -le -Maejia Gao, Hooi Ling Soh (Indiana, U Minnesota)
11.30 a.m.-12.00 p.m.  3. Brands of perfects and the semantics/pragmatics interface -Patrick Caudal (CNRS and Paris 7)
12.00-1.30 p.m.  Lunch


Session V

1.30-2.00 p.m.  1. The interaction between number and person in Chinese-Robert Iljic (CNRS, EHESS)
2.00-2.30 p.m.  2. Future reference without future tense -Bridget Copley (U Southern California)
2.30-3.00 p.m.  3. The Semantic Types of Propositions, Facts, and Events -Michael Hegarty (Louisiana State U)
3.00-3.15 p.m.  Break


Fourth Invited Talk

3.15-4.30 p.m.  James Pustejovsky  (Brandeis); Lexicalized pragmatics
4.30-4.45 p.m.  Break 


Session VI

4.45-5.15 p.m.  1.On the interpretation of null objects in French -Sarah Cummins, Yves Roberge (Université Laval, U Toronto)
5.15-5.45 p.m.  2. The Estonian pronoun 'tema' and the role of contrast in pronoun interpretation -Elsi Kaiser (U Rochester)
5.45-6.15 p.m.  3.Coreferential Interpretations of Reflexives in Picture Noun Phrases: an Experimental Approach -Micah Goldwater, Jeffrey T. Runner (UT Austin, U Rochester)


Sunday, March 7 (GSB 2.126)


Fifth Invited Talk

10-11.15 a.m.  Bernhard Schwarz  (UT Austin); On specificity again
11.15-11.30 a.m.  Break 


Session VII

11.30 a.m.-12.00 p.m.  1. Varieties of (In-)Subordination: The Case of V2-Relatives -Hans-Martin Gaertner (ZAS Berlin)
12.00-12.30 p.m.  2.On the semantics of German root and complement clauses -Kerstin Schwabe (ZAS Berlin)
12.30-1.00  3.Neg-Raising and the interpretation of adjectival modifiers -Rajesh Bhatt, Yael Sharvit (UT Austin, U Connecticut)


French final tunes and attitude attribution -Claire Beyssade and Jean-Marie Marandin (CNRS, Institut Jean Nicod)
The propositional content of absolute constructions and epistemic SDRS conditions -Alda Mari (CNRS-ENST, Paris)
Rhetorical relations in verbal eventual representations? Evidence from psych verbs - Alexandros Tantos (Konstanz)