Preliminary Conference Program

(subject to change)

2001 Texas Linguistic Society Conference The Role of Agreement in Natural Language March 2-4, Austin, Texas

Friday, March 2nd

8:30-9:30am        COFFEE & REGISTRATION
9:30-10:00am        OPENING REMARKS

Session 1

10:00-10:30am       Number, Gender and Person Agreement in Prenominal Possessives
                                          Nancy Mae Antrim, UT-El Paso

10:30-11:00am       Agreement Patterns in Maasai Possessive DPs
                                          Gianluca Storto, UCLA

11:00-11:30am       Inflected Complementizers and the Licensing of Non-referential Pro-drop
                                          Patricia Cabredo Hofherr, Universite de Poitiers

11:30-1:00pm       LUNCH

Session 2

1:00-1:30pm       Lexical, Semantic, and Structural Gender
                                          Stephen Wechsler, UT-Austin

1:30-2:00pm       Quantifier Agreement in Korean
                                          Sungeun Cho, MIT

2:00-2:30pm       D-raising and Asymmetric Agreement in French
                                          Antonia Androutsopoulou, UCLA
                                          Manuel Español Echevarría, Université Laval

2:30-2:45pm       BREAK

Session 3

2:45-3:15pm       Hybrid Agreement in English
                                          Jong-bok Kim, Kyung Hee University
                                          Kyung-Sup Lim, Dongshin University

3:15-3:45pm       The Functional Projections of Split Subjects
                                          Mary S. Linn, University of Kansas
                                          Sara Thomas Rosen, University of Kansas

3:45-4:15pm       Agreement: Terms and Boundaries
                                          Greville Corbett, University of Surrey

4:15-4:45pm       Towards a Typology of Agreement Phenomena
                                          Tania Avgustinova, University of Saarland
                                          Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI

4:45-5:00pm       BREAK

Keynote Address

5:00-6:00pm       Functional Categories and the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface
                                          Margaret Speas, UMASS

6:30pm       Happy Hour (at Dog & Duck Pub)

Saturday, March 3rd

8:30-9:00am       COFFEE & REGISTRATION

Keynote Address

9:00-10:00am       The Locality of Agreement
                                          Hilda Koopman, UCLA

10:00-10:15am BREAK

Session 1

10:15-10:45am       Agree, Move and Eliminate the Phrase Impenetrability Condition
                                          Sandra Stjepanovic, Kanda University of International Studies
                                          Shoichi Takahashi, Kanda University of International Studies

10:45-11:15am       Defective Feature Copy and Anti-agreement in Language Production
                                          Roland Pfau, Johan-Wolfgang-Goethe University

11:15-11:45am       Resumptive Strategies, Hyperraising and Left-branch Violations as Effects of Anti-agreement

                                          Cedric Boeckx, UCONN

11:45-1:00pm       LUNCH

Session 2

1:00-1:30pm       Adjectival Agreement and the Individual-Event Distinction in Balanta
                                          Kirsten Fudeman, Ithaca College

1:30-2:00pm       Agreement, Specificity Effects, and Phrase Structure in Rural Palestinian Arabic Existential Constructions
                                          Fredrick M. Hoyt, UT-Austin

2:00-2:30pm       Morphological and Semantic Plurality in Hebrew
                                          Ron Artstein, Rutgers University

2:30-3:00pm       A Morphological and Pragmatic Approach to Korean Partial Honorific Agreement
                                          In-Cheol Choi, UT-Austin

3:00-3:15pm       BREAK

Session 3

3:15-3:45pm        Agreement Features in Sentence Processing: A Sentence-matching Study on
                     Subject-verb and Noun Phrase Internal Agreement in German
                                          Ulrike Jansen, Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet
                                          Sonja Eisenbeiss, Max-Plank Institute for Psycholinguistics
                                          Martina Penke, Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet

3:45-4:15pm        Aspects of Agreement: Evidence that Agreement Morphology and Aspectual
                                   Distinctions are Acquired Independently by Child L2 Learners
                                          Tania Ionin, MIT

4:15-4:45pm       Partial Agreement and Attraction by F[person]
                                          Ivy Sichel, CUNY

4:45-7:00pm       DINNER

7:00-11:00pm       TLS Party

Sunday, March 3rd

8:30-9:00am       COFFEE & REGISTRATION

Keynote Address

9:00-10:00am       The Two Faces of Agreement
                                          Sandra Chung, UC-Santa Cruz

10:00-10:15am       BREAK

Session 1

10:15-10:45am       The Optionality of Agreement Phrase: Evidence from Signed Languages
                                          Christian Rathmann, UT-Austin

10:45-11:15am       French Object Agreement with Restructuring Verbs
                                          Eric Mathieu, University College London

11:15-11:30am       BREAK

Session 2

11:30-12:00pm       Displaced Agreement Suffix in Suleimaniya Kurdish: A Distributed Morphology Approach
                                          Behrad Aghaei, UT-Austin

12:00-12:30pm       Feature Movement Approach to Subject Agreement in Korean
                                          Changguk Yim, Cornell University

12:30-1:00pm       CONCLUDING REMARKS


              Long-distance Agreement in Hindi
                     Rajesh Bhatt, UT-Austin

              The Status of Agreement Phrase in Universal Grammar
                     William Earl Grifin, UT-Austin

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