The aim of TLS8 is to provide a forum for the presentation of original research on the interface of semantic and pragmatic theories. We welcome the submission of papers on topics including (but not limited to) lexical semantics, presupposition, anaphora resolution, quantification, propositional attitude attribution, modality and indexicality within all frameworks, including logical, linguistic, psycholinguistic and computational approaches.
Nicholas Asher, University of Texas at Austin | |
David Beaver, Stanford University | |
James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University | |
Bernhard Schwarz, University of Texas at Austin | |
Carlota Smith, University of Texas at Austin |
Pascal Denis, Eric McCready, Alexis Palmer, Brian Reese (University of Texas at Austin)
Abstracts are invited for 30 minute talks (20 minute presentations plus 10 minutes for discussion). Abstracts should be anonymous and confined to two pages (including references) with 1 inch margins.
Electronic submissions are preferred and should be sent to
Please submit abstracts as an attachment to an e-mail message (do not include abstracts in the body of a message). The body of the message should include the information listed in 1-4 below. PDF, PS, RTF or text files are preferred. If necessary Word submissions will be accepted. In this case we discourage the use of nonstandard fonts, since we may not be able to decipher them.
1) | Name(s) of presenter(s) |
2) | Affiliation(s) of presenter(s) |
3) | Postal address, telephone number, and email address |
4) | Title of the paper. |
Non-electronic submissions should be mailed to the address below:
TLS8 Abstract Committee | |
501 Calhoun | |
The University of Texas at Austin | |
Austin, TX 78712 |
Abstracts must be received by December 15, 2003. Notifications of acceptance or nonacceptance will be sent by January 16, 2004.
For more information, visit the conference web site: